I’d like to talk about is revisiting your old work. Generally, a lot of people will look back on their old work that they were once proud of and cringe… That’s a good thing: that’s a sign of your progress. You notice all of the little details that you didn’t see when you first took the image or perhaps your editing is less than satisfactory. However, this doesn’t mean you should just go and throw away all of your old images. Also, sometimes you might find a photograph that you initially didn’t think much of and with new eyes see a potentially great image in there. While you edit your “second” images, you’ll also learn about how your processing style has changed and developed since you took the original image.
Read More2020|365: A New Project
Long, long, ago when I was a teenager, I started a project that I had heard about on Flickr. The premise was simple:
Upload 365 photos, one day at time, only use photos that you took that day to challenge myself to improve and consistently take interesting photos, no matter the time of year.
The project was eye-opening for me. I had thousands of views! That was insane 10 years ago. Unfortunately, I had computer issues and teenager issues and I lost track of my project. Years later, I’m sure that the blog contributed to me becoming a professional photographer. I would like to continue this project in a new decade of my life to see what I can do now. I think it’s so important to challenge and push yourself creatively and you never know what will come out of the project. I love looking back on my first project’s images and I hope you’ll enjoy these. I plan on posting helpful facts with each photo like gear used, editing tips, location, and stories.
Welcome to the beginning of my photography blog series
Hello everyone! I’m trying to revamp my website and provide more content. I have been overwhelmed by graduate school and I am planning on using this as an escape and as a way to give back to the photography community. I want to provide value to you, the viewer, and to improve my teaching skills.
I plan on providing interesting content such as:
gear reviews
editing tips and tutorials
film and analog fun
links to my new youtube content
photography tips
updates on my projects
progress updates on books and other professional projects of mine
and more…
I hope that you will find all of this content useful and please do leave comments if you find anything interesting or helpful.