Long, long, ago when I was a teenager, I started a project that I had heard about on Flickr. The premise was simple:
Upload 365 photos, one day at time, only use photos that you took that day to challenge myself to improve and consistently take interesting photos, no matter the time of year.
The project was eye-opening for me. I had thousands of views! That was insane 10 years ago. Unfortunately, I had computer issues and teenager issues and I lost track of my project. Years later, I’m sure that the blog contributed to me becoming a professional photographer. I would like to continue this project in a new decade of my life to see what I can do now. I think it’s so important to challenge and push yourself creatively and you never know what will come out of the project. I love looking back on my first project’s images and I hope you’ll enjoy these. I plan on posting helpful facts with each photo like gear used, editing tips, location, and stories.